It's me

Diving into the unknown...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Emotional Roller Coster -- the figures

Wow~~~ we have been put into a situation where we were told that the air ticket that we booked earlier for RM 4320 had increased to RM4860 last week...

RM 540 of increase !!! * heart attack *

but anyway we were asked to confirm with the agent again on tuesday but were told that the price appeared in the system was RM 4440 which is the original price but she need to called the airline to confirm as it's strange to have the price reduce back to the original in a few days time.

We were crossing our finger hoping that it's back to the original...

And again we were told (in the same day, tuesday) that the airline cannot be contacted and so I called them again today...guess what???!!!

The airline is having promotion in April and our ticket cost us only RM 3980 !!!

We are happier than stricking the lottery...

Siu Dou Lat Nga.... hopefully there won't be any price changes anymore.