It's me

Diving into the unknown...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Was doing my portfolio and inverted all my sketches into black background and then I found this interesting sketch and definately look more "pro" than the original ones... *winks*

Hoho~~~ I'm so 'pro'. LOLx

Getting the ' blue black' on my knee while working on my model for my final presentation...
Yeah the archi is so torturing me....

This is how it looks like after I've been rubbing it for a day.
It is so obvious that I'm not able to wear a skirt or it might look as a dirty spot on my knee.
Well you know some do have darker knee ( either it's dirty or it's natural colour)

so I was trying to experiment with all the make up foundation and concealer that I've got and this it what it had turned out to be...not perfectly conceal but at least appeared lighter...
kinda amazed with the make up kits.

Would you feel guilty taking in that in your stomach?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Love Lane

The lane of love??