It's me

Diving into the unknown...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Delaware -- Shop till Drop

It's a long waited trip by all of us --- Delaware tax free outlet
American told us that it's cheap there compared to outlet in Atlantic City...
so we decided to go there...
We took bus, bus, ferry then bus again to reach there and that's only 1 day journey !!!

Upon arrival...

After the first stop !!! All Coach already... boh lui :-(

This is how the outlet looks like and does not seems to be what we expected it to me... it looks 'cheap'... LOL

Lunch in ihop ... famous for pancake wo~~~ but did not order their pancake anyway, I just don't like it..

Due to in the shopping mood and not so beautiful place not much picture is taken :P
At the end of the day we have got so many end product !!!
p/s will blog of the 'end product' in the US so far... :p