It's me

Diving into the unknown...

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


一年前的今天,这一分这一秒我再干些什么呢?-- 12月31日,傍晚6点半。
非常舍不得那21天之旅,所认识的朋友,室友们,9车的,11车的,全体团员们还有讨人厌的徐伯伯。:P (别告诉他...shh~~~)

Let me show you the brief jorney of mine in Taiwan... ( 对不起啦,不会翻译成中文)
以下是从香港飞往台北机上的食物... 不好吃的:(

忘了第二天干啥去了但记得在那我们有 ‘上课’去。
觉得好奇又上啥课对吗?-- 学做灯笼和画墨水画咯。

必须介绍的人物--Kenny。 我的弟弟:P (p/s Kenny faster pay me for introducing you! )


Proundly present to you, 我的墨水画,还不错吧?虽然字体是丑了一点...


哈哈,finally... 台北101和我!!


在阳明山。出发前当地的导游们都穿得厚厚,我当然也怕冷又没棉衣所以就穿了5件衣服+外套。谁知道了那里,一边走山路一边把衣服一一的拖了剩下2件衣服+内衣吧...简直是热!!汗都流湿了衣服。 都不知道他们穿得那么厚干吗...


maybe you would like to check out one of our 9车的会员:P ... Rachel pls dun kill me !!!



Cheers! 在高雄的晚餐--意大利餐.

I love this picture!!!


然后在房间里syiok sendiri. 白雪雪,滑屡屡+展现我的纹身。哈哈!!



在机场穿着我们在士林夜市买的9车制服--好人(因为我们都是好人嘛...)bid farewell as we are heading back to KL!!!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Eve

After waking up in there morning, I was wondering what will I be doing for the rest of my day. aiks! I have not been to The Curve and One U that area as the decoration over there seems to be nice. so... not much of chirstmas picture taken by my DSLR... what a shame to claim that I'm into photography :P ( I suppose that most photographer will take the opportunity to snap snap the joy of this festival? )

I'm just lying down on my bed feeling extremely bored... sienz! sienz! sienz! while there are plenty of programme awaiting ahead but I'm just too lazy to get up as if there were 100kg iron ball being chained to my legs and hands.

And yet still screaming SIEN! SIEN! SIEN! mayb I'm having serious PMS kua...
Finally, I have decided to go to my friend's christmas party to kill the bored and also not to be regret later on for staying at home during this cheerful festival. since there will be a gift exchanging thingy going on so I just went and search around my house for something that can be used as a gift ( of course it' still new ). Sorry for that as the party start at 8 and it was already 7 something...

Unfortunately, there is someone who saw the small packet present and start to complain. Worst still when the gift is opened and he claimed that it's cheap :S I know he might just trying to joke but still it is.....*speechless*..... Although it is small and cheap but I think it's the sincere heart that counts rite? :)

chinese way of ushering christmas -- playing mahjong

after gift exchanging and cadid with our present

Here is the cute lil baby girl who attended the party too...

Although it might not be a real youngsters' christmas party but at least it is a peaceful one. Just like the picture that pop out in my mind describing christmas (except for the snow and there were more people in the house) --- sitting alone on a lazy chair and sipping a hot drink beside the fire in a cottage which is at the countryside while it is snowing outside...

Saturday, December 27, 2008


What do you get from being a visible person?

You'll be...
receiving love, tonnes of love

You'll be...
experiencing the taste of being loved and pampered by your love ones

You'll be...
a strong person after facing problems in life with courage

You'll be...
rob by the snatch theive if you are not lucky enough LOL :P

You'll be...
You'll be...
You'll be...
there are endless of it to be listed down

But I will still opt for being invisible for now....
Because I'm damn down right at this moment!!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008


I wish I could appear INVISIBLE in this world right now at this moment

It is because...
I could be myself and nobody is there to judge it

It is because...
People will never take advantage of me being good to them

It is because...
It leaves no memory of the pass relationship
( you won't be able to get a partner if you are invisible right? )

It is because...
The lecturer won't be able to fail me
( as I do not exist to them )

It is because...
Nobody is able to cheat me

It is because...
No one would be able to hurt me!!!

It is because...
It is because...
It is because... ETC

There are so many reason for me to be an invisible human
How I wish I'm invisible right now!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Working Days

Decided to get myself some income and there I go....
working in a roadshow for Yeslam

Wondering what brand it is it?
FYI it is a well known brand in Saudi or middle east which based in Swiss and it is a high end brand ( that's what we are told )
having a boutique in Starhill selling bags, perfum, wallet, body care product and sunglasses...
p/s perhaps you can go to starhill and have a look :P

It's quite fun working there as the people are really insane and funny... especially Hashim, the supervisor..
We are able to munch some snack while standing at the counter ( but try not to make it obvious ) it makes those CK roadshow promoter from Isetan that set up their booth besides us envy us so much :P *winks*

and believe it... we sit on the floor when we are tired ( of course we try not to make it TOO obvious la ) :P

I think the company should have just chau us yau yu ... LOL

acting cute and show off the sunglasses ( cost about 2k ++ )

since when we are promoting for esprit? GRR~~~ cute lil teddy bear...

models wanna be

and finally the team + the supervisor...

Oh ya...
encounter something sweet while I was there
a middle east couple came and the wife loves the perfume so much and without have to say much to the husband he just bought it without a second thought. Besides, he spoke to his wife with a loving voice...
WOW!! How I wish that there is a guy will treat me like that... :P

There is another encounter was...
Met with a korean girl in the korean fair that speaks English, Korean, Malay, Contonese, Hokkien, Mandarin
More 'geng' than me, ' bu suang ' already... LOL

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


HELP~~~~ ME~~~~~!!!!!!!!!
Zaiton wanna kill me.....!!!!!!!!

6 subjects in next semester?
just because I didn't go to Bali?!!!!
No money also my fault???!!!!!

5 subject already no time now want me to take 6?!!!!!
I kill you! I kill you!

So ~~~~ archiTORTURE !!!