It's me

Diving into the unknown...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Expectation is what we expect everyone to have and it is a must...
It helps us to improve ourselves, to reach our goals, ....

most of the time
the higher you set your expectation the more you'll get disappointed

sometimes when we set the expectation to the minimum....
what turned out will suprise you as it is much more than expected and you'll be glad with it

so why set high expectation?


June said...

I think we should set high expectations to give us a powerful emotional impetus. Now, there is a difference between high expectation and irrational expectation. High expectation is something that we would be able to achieve, provided we work hard and give our best shot. Irrational expectation, however, is something that we know is beyond our "reachable area" even with hard work. So, yeah, why not set a higher expectation and give ourselves more external motivation? Just my opinion though.

RulerofSimplicity said...

Yeah.. I think you've got the point there..

Irrational expectation is a big NONO...

After reading your comment, I realised that what I'm refering to is the expectation that we set for others...

The more we expect others to do what we expect them to do, the more disappointment is awaiting for you.

guess I should make it clear earlier on...hehe